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coal washery中文是什么意思

用"coal washery"造句"coal washery"怎么读"coal washery" in a sentence


  • 洗煤厂
  • 洗煤机, 洗煤场


  • Analysis on the raw coal blending in coal washery of tunlan coal mine
  • Comprehensive recovery of titanomagnetite and its application in coal washery
  • The application of gpj - 120 pressure filter in the coal washery of tunlan coal mine
  • Scheme for controlling the dust of raw coal pile at jiaozuo clay mine ' s coal washery
  • Production workmanship and dust resource of the coal warehouse top in zhun geer coal washery have been clarified
  • Production workmanship and dust resource of the coal warehouse bottom in zhungeer coal washery have been clarified
  • Based on the above research conclusion , dust control and management measures of coal warehouse top have been chosen , which provides a theoretic base for dust control and management of coal washery
  • Based on the above research conclusion , dust control and management measures of coal warehouse bottom have been chosen , which provides a theoretic basis for dust control and management of coal washery
  • Besides msw incineration treatment , we have rich experience in fields like hazardous waste disposal , industrial waste incineration , sludge high - concentration organic waste water incineration , coal washery sludge coal rejects incineration and so on
  • Widely employed in coal mine , downhole coal bunker , coal washery , cement factory , foundary , thermal power plant , sintering plant coal gas factory , fertilizer plant , chemicals plant , aluminium plant , alkali factory , steel works , coking plant , pharmaceutical factory , mine , dock , foodstuff , and feedings process works , concrete process , etc . . with bunker , hopper , transmitting pipeline and drawshaft
用"coal washery"造句  


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